Chris M.
I like to detect the reflection or the red dot of a laser which sends a RC5 protocol command on a 38 kHz carrier. Basically it’s exactly what the above mentioned receiver does for IR signals. But it’s a red laser. If I exactly hit the receiver with a laser beam it works. The reflective white surface is around 10 cm from the intended position of the sensor. The distance is not fixed so it can be adjusted depending on possible solutions.
I work mostly with ESP32 boards and want the visible laser. Buying a similar laser with IR is not an option. From my understanding the IR receiver is basically an IC with photo element filter, gain control etc. In case the photo element would be sensitive to red light instead of IR it would perfectly solve my problem.
Does something like this exist?
I work mostly with ESP32 boards and want the visible laser. Buying a similar laser with IR is not an option. From my understanding the IR receiver is basically an IC with photo element filter, gain control etc. In case the photo element would be sensitive to red light instead of IR it would perfectly solve my problem.
Does something like this exist?