Looking for a definition of badges, I stumbled upon these guidelines: https://design.mindsphere.io/patterns/badge.html and I am confused about this in particular: "In case a badge is used as a notification avoid using 3 digits. Instead use "99+" to avoid cognitive overload."
Is there any proof out there that "99+" style of displaying quantities puts less cognitive strain than giving the whole number?
I have always though that this style of display was meant to save space, not reduce cognitive load. In the case of three digit numbers there's no issue with space anyway and I personally find the "99+" approach more straining than seeing the whole number - it is unusual for me and makes me wonder what it should mean on the first place and what is the actual number. If I need to know that number it adds anxiety and requires me to click to find out (never knowing if where I would see that count number of the next step and whether it is provided at all.) No rationale is provided in those guidelines.
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Is there any proof out there that "99+" style of displaying quantities puts less cognitive strain than giving the whole number?
I have always though that this style of display was meant to save space, not reduce cognitive load. In the case of three digit numbers there's no issue with space anyway and I personally find the "99+" approach more straining than seeing the whole number - it is unusual for me and makes me wonder what it should mean on the first place and what is the actual number. If I need to know that number it adds anxiety and requires me to click to find out (never knowing if where I would see that count number of the next step and whether it is provided at all.) No rationale is provided in those guidelines.
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