Shoaib Khan
I'm new to electronics, This circuit is supposed to take 0-2V MCU signal and convert that to a range of -4V and +4V. so when input value changes the output changes as well till maximum. I think i understand the left side opamp u3.2, that it's outputing an inverted value of 0 to -4V voltage with 0-2V input so it's inverting and amplifying the voltage. my question is, there is no power supply connected to it then how is it generating that voltage?
On the second one it's completely confusing. i don't know how it's taking the input of the first and then mapping the input to a range of -4 to 4V.
I apologise if this is too basic, I've watched many opamp tutorials but I can't figure it out.
Also what would i have to do make it work with 0-3.3V signal from MCU and +4V to -4V?
My aim is basically to drive a galvanomirror that moves a mirror up and down, so thats why the negative voltage is required and it accepts a voltage range of +- 5V but I'd like to stay below the maximum.
On the second one it's completely confusing. i don't know how it's taking the input of the first and then mapping the input to a range of -4 to 4V.
I apologise if this is too basic, I've watched many opamp tutorials but I can't figure it out.
Also what would i have to do make it work with 0-3.3V signal from MCU and +4V to -4V?
My aim is basically to drive a galvanomirror that moves a mirror up and down, so thats why the negative voltage is required and it accepts a voltage range of +- 5V but I'd like to stay below the maximum.