I'm putting together a circuit board to power and dim 5 LED channels.
The average voltages on the channels are 12.3V, 11V, 11.4V, 7.8V, 6.6V, and max current is 1A.
So my current plan is:
12V Constant Voltage Power Supply input... splits into three LM2940CT-12 LDOs, and two 7808 linear regulators.
So I should have more or less 3 x 12V and 2 x 8V signals. Then I'll use a microcontroller with 5 x 5V PWM outputs to switch five line-level N-MOSFETs (eg. IRL520N), to dim the 12V and 8V signals before they reach the 5 LED channels.
I'm a noob at electronics, so there might be a better way. Looking for confirmation or suggestions on how to improve this design.
The average voltages on the channels are 12.3V, 11V, 11.4V, 7.8V, 6.6V, and max current is 1A.
So my current plan is:
12V Constant Voltage Power Supply input... splits into three LM2940CT-12 LDOs, and two 7808 linear regulators.
So I should have more or less 3 x 12V and 2 x 8V signals. Then I'll use a microcontroller with 5 x 5V PWM outputs to switch five line-level N-MOSFETs (eg. IRL520N), to dim the 12V and 8V signals before they reach the 5 LED channels.
I'm a noob at electronics, so there might be a better way. Looking for confirmation or suggestions on how to improve this design.