How do I snap together bones from different armatures like this guy? [look at picture]



I’ve been wondering this since I saw this guy modsomefun, he does it so smooth and I can’t find a tutorial anywhere on how to do it. enter image description here

Unreplied Threads

Cylinder shape has pinching edges

  • blender breath
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
I have made a detail in a cylinder shape, and on the edges, I'm getting 2 pinching edges. The bottom corner is more obvious, than the top right corner. I'd like to see a better topology method, so it's more smoother, when I apply the subdivision modifier.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

blender4.1 gltf animation export settings problem

glb/gltf animation export settings are not as straight forward as previous versions. Anyone got tips for settings. The animation is a basic walk cycle from mixamo that needs to be a glb. new texture is attached. any help would be appreciated

parent rig deletes after save

  • Mugen Animations
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
I have a rigged model where the entire rig is fine except a piece of the face. When I animate the rig, the teeth are never parented. When I do parent the teeth to the rig it works fine, so I'll save it. But when I open the saved file its unparented, as if being unparented is some how set to default. Same with deleting empty collections. When I save the file and reopen it, the deleted collections are still there.

How can I create a custom geometry node that runs a Python script?

I'd like to create a completely custom geometry node (not a node group) that for example, takes some input string, reverses it using a Python script, and then returns the output as a string in that same custom node. Even if this may be possible with some combination of existing geometry nodes, I'm interested in a Python script solution in general for other data processing.

It seems like this should easily be possible, but so far I found that you have to write the code in C++ or something and that it's not possible to do it with Python in the Scripting or Geometry Nodes section. Am I missing some obvious way to make custom nodes?

Two body collision written in sfml

This program shows two object that can be controlled with arrow keys, Its 569 lines. I have a 8 core cpu and this simple program takes around ~30 of my CPU, i don't understand if SFML is causing this or if something is wrong in my code. Code

can it be that i am declaring same variables in a while loop that is the game loop that runs millions of times?

                else if (draw_rect2)
                int moveX = 0;
                int moveY = 0;

Analytic continuation to the upper-half plane

Let $A= \left\{ z \in \mathbb{C}: \mbox{Im}(z)>0 \right\}$. I know that the following property is true and I am looking for an elementary proof of it. I want to show that for $\alpha \in (0,1)$, we have $$|e^{iz}| \leq \Big| 1 + \alpha \int_{0}^{1} \frac{1-e^{itz}}{t^{\alpha+1}} dt \Big|$$ for all $z \in A$. This must be true because the LHS/RHS is the analytic continuation of some random variable's characteristic function.

Does fiber product defines for rational map, projectivity stable under base change via a rational map?

I was reading Professor Kollár's paper Moishezon morphism. In the definition of Moishezon morphism:

Definition 10. Assume $S$ be reduced, we call a proper morphism of analytic space $g:X\to S$ is Moishezon if there is a projective morphism of algebraic varieties $G:\mathbf{X}\to \mathbf{S}$ and a meromorphic $\phi_S:S \dashrightarrow \mathbf{S}$ such that $X$ is bimeromorphic to $\mathbf{X}\times_{\mathbf{S}} S$.

Here are 2 questions about the definition:

(1) In the definition, it seems $\mathbf{X}\times_{\mathbf{S}}S$ is the fiber product for a rational map $S \dashrightarrow \mathbf{S}$, I am not sure how is it defined? (I try to define it as the base change on the domain of definition of the rational map $S \dashrightarrow \mathbf{S}$. I am not sure is my interpretation correct)

(2) The second question is does the projectivity of the morphism being preserved by the base change via a rational map? I mean $\mathbf{X}\times_{\mathbf{S}}S \to S$ is projective? (if using the interpretation of (1) that the fiber product is defined over the domain of definition of $S \dashrightarrow \mathbf{S}$ then it's clearly projective).