I accessed WhatsApp Web on a computer with a virus


Sergio PE

"The following happens: I downloaded WhatsApp on my phone, which had a backup linked to my email. I accessed WhatsApp Web on a computer with a virus, logged out from there, reset my phone to factory settings, reinstalled WhatsApp, but it no longer had the backup. Then, I accessed WhatsApp Web again. Is there a risk that some virus could once again access the information that was in my backup?"

It's also possible that when accessing WhatsApp Web on the computer with the virus using the backup, the virus may have collected information even though I later logged out. I approximately opened WhatsApp Web for 20 minutes

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Unreplied Threads

my soft body object is phasing through collision object

enter image description here

I am following a tutorial, and followed the exact instructions. I baked the simulation (laggy pc) and it looks like this (the outline is the soft body):

Extra details: i have tried both thickening the collision object and increasing the geometry Version: 4.0.2

Geometry nodes, align instances on a face

I tried different ways to place corners instances on a wall model, but I can't figure how to do it so that the alignment would be automatic.

Here I post a simplified example of the problem. There is no solution proposed on this setup. (The blue/red color is the normal direction) enter image description here

Importing MakeHuman assets into Blender

I created a character (human model) in MakeHuman and would like to import it into Blender, make some additional modifications to it, and then save it as a blend (.blend file).

I would think that a super popular open source character editor like MakeHuman would make it really easy to accomplish this. But they don't have any documentation on their site for how to do this, and after searching online all I could find was this YouTube video which makes the process seem super complicated, unsupported and failure prone:

  1. Download an old (2014) plugin for MakeHuman and install it (its no longer supported and may very well not work with modern versions of Blender)
  2. Download BlenderTools from MakeHuman and install them in Blender's scripts/ directory
  3. Restart Blender, then activate the MakeHuman Add-Ons from inside Blender

This seems really brittle and wonky to me. Has anybody ever got this working before? Is there a better/easier way to import MakeHuman assets into Blender?

The Never-Ending IFs

Note: the answer can come in either VB.NET or C#. I have no preference for this Q&A.

I'd like to tame the monstrosity I've created below.

The requirement is to obtain some input from the user and then use that information to generate a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate to be used by the application (a .NET 8 Blazor WebApp in this case).

The whole process consists of the nine steps we see here, with each new step relying on the success of the one just prior. If any one of them fails, we exit the function at that point.

The problem is this has resulted in a maintenance headache with all the cascading If blocks. To complicate matters, some of the steps require as input some of the output generated two or three steps back.

Is there some sort of design pattern or established technique that I can use to manage all of this a bit more cleanly? Surely there must be a better way.

The Mess

Public Shared Async Function ConfigureApplicationAsync(Args As String()) As Task(Of Result)
  Dim oCityCodeResult As Result(Of City)
  Dim oCsrResult As Result(Of (Challenge As IChallengeContext, Order As IOrderContext, DnsText As String))
  Dim oDnsRecord As (Content As String, Type As DnsRecordType, Name As String)
  Dim oTlsResult As Result(Of X509Certificate2)
  Dim oTcpResult As Result(Of Net.IPAddress)
  Dim oDnsResult As Result
  Dim oCrtResult As Result
  Dim sCityCode As String
  Dim lIsAdmin As Boolean
  Dim oResult As Result
  Dim oCity As City

  With New WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent)
    lIsAdmin = .IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)
  End With

    If Args.Any(Function(Arg) Arg.ToLower = "install") Then
      If lIsAdmin Then
        oCityCodeResult = Await CityCode.RegisterAsync

        If oCityCodeResult.IsSuccess Then
          oTcpResult = Await Tcp.GetPrivateAddressAsync("Getting the local private IP address...")

          If oTcpResult.IsSuccess Then
            oCity = oCityCodeResult.Value
            sCityCode = oCity.Code.ToLower

            oDnsRecord.Content = oTcpResult.Value.ToString
            oDnsRecord.Type = DnsRecordType.A
            oDnsRecord.Name = sCityCode

            oDnsResult = Await Dns.RegisterAsync(oDnsRecord, $"Registering {oCity.Name} in the public DNS...")

            If oDnsResult.IsSuccess Then
              oCsrResult = Await Csr.SubmitAsync(sCityCode, "Submitting a Certificate Signing Request...")

              If oCsrResult.IsSuccess Then
                oDnsRecord.Content = oCsrResult.Value.DnsText
                oDnsRecord.Type = DnsRecordType.Txt
                oDnsRecord.Name = $"_acme-challenge.{sCityCode}"

                oDnsResult = Await Dns.RegisterAsync(oDnsRecord, $"Updating the DNS with the request's validation token...")

                If oDnsResult.IsSuccess Then
                  oCsrResult = Await Csr.ValidateAsync(oCsrResult.Value.Challenge, oCsrResult.Value.Order, "Validating the request...")

                  If oCsrResult.IsSuccess Then
                    oTlsResult = Await Tls.GenerateAsync(oCsrResult.Value.Order, sCityCode, "Generating a TLS certificate...")

                    If oTlsResult.IsSuccess Then
                      oDnsResult = Await Dns.CleanupAsync(oDnsRecord, "Cleaning up the DNS after a successful validation...")

                      If oDnsResult.IsSuccess Then
                        oCrtResult = Await Crt.ImportAsync(oTlsResult.Value, "Importing the certificate locally...")

                        If oCrtResult.IsSuccess Then
                          oResult = Result.Ok
                          oResult = Result.Fail(oCrtResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
                        End If
                        oResult = Result.Fail(oDnsResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
                      End If
                      oResult = Result.Fail(oTlsResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
                    End If
                    oResult = Result.Fail(oCsrResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
                  End If
                  oResult = Result.Fail(oDnsResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
                End If
                oResult = Result.Fail(oCsrResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
              End If
              oResult = Result.Fail(oDnsResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
            End If
            oResult = Result.Fail(oTcpResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
          End If
          oResult = Result.Fail(oCityCodeResult.Errors.Select(Function(Err) Err.Message))
        End If
        oResult = Result.Fail("The service installation must be run as an administrator.")
      End If
      oResult = Result.Ok
    End If

  Catch ex As Exception
    oResult = Result.Fail(ex.ToString)

  End Try

  Return oResult
End Function

Fully integrated H-bridge motor driver IC VS external FETs

  • Manny
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
I'm designing a new motor driver for a DC motor which has starting peak current of 30A and 28Volts power supply. Previous engineer used an integrated motor driver IC solution (VNH3SP30-E) that has a MOSFET (Full H-bridge) inside an IC. There are so many customer complaints that it is blowing up in the field. When I look at the IC there is not good separation and everything things runs off the high power line. I don't know what is the advantage of using a integrated driver solution over original MOSFET/IGBT approach. I personally think having external FETs would be a safer approach. Has any one used the integrated solutions before ? if yes, is it better than original power electronics. I'm trying to see which is a better approach.

Atualização automática do código-fonte no ambiente de desenvolvimento Docker, Vue.js e Nginx

  • igorcguedes
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
Estou enfrentando dificuldades em configurar um ambiente de desenvolvimento com Docker, Vue.js e Nginx, onde as alterações no código-fonte não são atualizadas automaticamente no contêiner Docker em execução.

Aqui está o meu Dockerfile atual:

FROM node:lts-alpine as build-stage
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:stable-alpine as production-stage
COPY --from=build-stage /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Entendo que o container apenas clona o código então tentei resolver esse problema usando o argumento -v no comando docker run, mas sem sucesso, não consegui fazer funcionar corretamente.

Agradeceria muito qualquer orientação ou sugestão para resolver esse problema.

Geometry nodes: Scale instances based on distance

  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
How can I calculate the distance between these instances (circles) and then control the scale based on that distance ?

enter image description here
