Problemas al actualizar mi jdk en windows 10



Tengo un problema al actualizar mi JDK: Yo fui a ajustes y fui y al panel de control, para actualizar mi JDK a uno mayor, para poder instalarme netbeans 17 que utiliza JDK 21, pues yo fui al panel de control y le di a java y a actualizar, pero me sale el siguiente error:

No si se podrá actualizar en otro sitio, y ademas, sin poder actualizar mi jdk, no podre descargar netbeans 17, si alguien sabe algo que responda en los comentarios, porfavor, porque quiero comenzar mi app lo antes posible, gracias de antemano.

Unreplied Threads

Devolver el n-ésimo número de la serie Fibonacci con JavaScript

Necesito crear una función que recibe un numero n y devuelve devuelve el n-ésimo número de la serie Fibonacci.

Por ejemplo, si pasamos num = 3 debería devolver 1 (Fibonacci: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, etc.)

Pude conseguir que por consola imprima los números de la serie, pero no que me devuelva el n solicitado.

Vale aclarar que para la solución solo puedo aplicar if/else, while/for y obviamente funciones.

Comparto hasta donde llegue con mi código:

function fibonacci(num) {
  let a = 0;
  let b = 1;
  let c;

  for(let i = 1; i < num; i++) {
    c = a + b;
    a = b + c;
    b = c + a;

How to choose Strike Price?

  • Emi
  • Finance
  • Replies: 0
Recently I waslistening to a trader's podcast, He said that in banknifty on 19 APR 2024 ATM strike Price put is cost at 300 Rupees and also 600 points down ITM strike price put is cost at 300 rupees, So, ultimately he said that new traders don't know where they get value and they need to sell 600 point down put Strike price because both cost same , now i want to know why we choose do sell ITM put not ATM put when price is same, whats the logic and concept behind it?

For reference you can listen him:

Axis tilt, days, and a year

  • Kelplink
  • Social
  • Replies: 0
Hello I’m not really good at math. I was wondering what kind of effect a world with these attributes have: a 22 degree axis with 10 months, and and 307/306 days (7 months with 31 days, 3 months with 30 days and every leap year one would have a 29th day) also each day will have the typical 24 hours. I wanna know what kinds of effects this would have in seasons, how often would leap years be and other stuff that would be helpful. Also what would happen if the “main moon” has a lunar cycle every 15 days, how often might eclipses be? I’m kinda making a dark fantasy world for fun. It’s something I have been doing since i was super young.

Mixed RLC circuit about circuit response

  • Sanan Dev05
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
Given Curcuit

E=120 L=2×0.001 C=4×0.001 R_1=8 R_2=10 R_3=4 I_2=? Find this equation

This problem is about The Total Response in an mixed RLC Circuit .

I need help . I have to solve this problem until next week, if someone knows the solution of this problem please write me.

What is the correct way to ask help finding an old SE Q&A I can't find anymore?

  • Andrea Jens
  • Main Forum
  • Replies: 0
I am an active member of Sci-Fi and Fantasy SE and I found myself in this situation several times:

  • I see a question (sometimes answered) that piques my interest.
  • I read it, mark it down in my memory and then forget how I got there
  • Months or years later, I scour the relevant SE search fields and Google to find back said Q&A, without success, despite spending a considerable time attempting every combination of key words I can think of.

What would be the correct process to actually ask for help with retrieving the Q&A? I thought of a couple solutions but they both feel hacky:

  1. Ask a question on the relevant SE site about the question I can't find (sounds too "meta", honestly)
  2. Ask a similar question to the one I remember, hoping someone on the relevant SE will be able to mark it as a duplicate (feels like wasting the community time)

Is 2. an accepted practice? If not, what other avenues do I have at my disposal?

Is a $\sigma$-algebra generated by complete independent $\sigma$-algebras also complete?

$ \newcommand{\cA}{\mathcal{A}} \newcommand{\cB}{\mathcal{B}} \newcommand{\sP}{\mathscr{P}} $

Let $(\Omega, \cA, \mu)$ be a probability space and $\cA_1, \cA_2$ sub $\sigma$-algebras of $\cA$. Let $\cB := \sigma (\cA_1 \cup \cA_2)$, i.e., $\cB$ is the $\sigma$-algebra generated by $\cA_1 \cup \cA_2$. I would like to ask if the following statement is true or not:

Assume that $(\Omega, \cA_1, \mu), \Omega, \cA_2, \mu)$ are complete and that $\cA_1, \cA_2$ are independent. Then $(\Omega, \cB, \mu)$ is also complete.

Thank you so much for your elaboration! Below is my failed attempt:

Let $\cA_3 := \{A_1 \cap A_2 : A_1 \in \cA_1 \text{ and } A_2 \in \cA_2\}$. Then $\cB = \sigma (\cA_3)$. Let $\sP (\Omega)$ be the power set of $\Omega$. Let $\Sigma$ be the collection of sets $N$ in $\cB$ with the property that if $\sP (\Omega) \ni C \subset N$ and $\mu (N)=0$ then $C \in \cB$. It suffices to prove $\Sigma = \cB$. We proceed by Dynkin's $\pi$-$\lambda$ theorem theorem. Clearly, $\cA_3$ is a $\pi$-system.

Let's prove that $\cA_3 \subset \Sigma$. Let $A_1 \in \cA_1$ and $A_2 \in \cA_2$ such that $\sP (\Omega) \ni C \subset (A_1 \cap A_2)$ and $\mu (A_1 \cap A_2)=0$. By independence of $\cA_1$ and $\cA_2$, we get $\mu (A_1) \mu(A_2)=0$. WLOG, we assume $\mu (A_1)=0$. Because $(\Omega, \cA_1, \mu)$ is complete, $C \in \cA_1 \subset \cB$.

Let's prove that $\Sigma$ is a $\lambda$-system. Let $A_1, A_2 \in \Sigma$ such that $A_1 \subset A_2$. First, we need to verify that $A_2 \setminus A_1 \in \Sigma$. Let $\sP (\Omega) \ni C \subset (A_2 \setminus A_1)$ and $\mu (A_2 \setminus A_1)=0$. We need to prove $C \in \cB$. WLOG, we assume $\mu (A_2) >0$. Then $\mu (A_2) = \mu (A_1) >0$.

Неправильное поведение камеры в opentk

  • Dmitry Tsoy
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
Написал программу, которая выводит картинку на экран(выводит игровую карту). Следующий этап -- сделать симуляцию камеры, которая двигается при нажатии AWSD.

Код класса камеры

using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4;
using OpenTK.Mathematics;
using OpenTK.Windowing.Common;
using OpenTK.Windowing.Desktop;
using OpenTK.Windowing.GraphicsLibraryFramework;

namespace engine_0._0._1
internal class Camera
    public float speed;
    Vector3 position;
    Vector3 target;
    Vector3 up;
    Vector3 right;
    Matrix4 view;

    public Camera(float normalSpeed, Shader shader)
        position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f); //позиция камеры
        target = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //точка в которую камера всегда должна смотреть
        up = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);// вектор вверх
        right = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//вектор вправо
        speed = normalSpeed;// скорость передвижения камеры

    public void ChangeSpeed(float newSpeed)
        speed = newSpeed;// метод для изменения скорости передвижения камеры
    public void Go(KeyboardState input, FrameEventArgs e, Shader shader)
    {//Метод для передвижения камеры(вызывается при каждом обновлении кадра)

        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
            position += up * speed * (float)e.Time;
        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
            position -= up * speed * (float)e.Time;
        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.D))
            position += right * speed * (float)e.Time;
        if (input.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
            position -= right * speed * (float)e.Time;
    public void Use(Shader shader)
    {//метод для создания и передачи матрица в шейдер
        view = Matrix4.LookAt(position, target - position, up);
        shader.SetMatrix4("view", view);

результатом должно быть перемещение карты в 2д плоскости, но результат получается как на видео

На сколько я понимаю, камера передвигается верно, но не привязывает свое направление к заданной точке target(0;0;0), но как я ни пытался менять параметры метода LookAt, результат не получился такой как нужно

Возможно будет полезно, вот учебник opentk, который я использовал,mouse-move-opentk4,scroll-opentk4