Should Stack Overflow disallow questions with title "What am I doing wrong?"



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Shouldn't the Stack Overflow editor disallow posting questions when title contains only "What am I doing wrong?"

Unreplied Threads

Keyframing doesn't work in shader editor on a specific object

Basically the title. I have an object that I want to keyframe some of its shader nodes of. If I try keyframing a shader node of any other object, it works as expected. Here is an example of what happens when I try to add keyframes and play it back. example

Here you can see that the f-curve is indeed enabled and there are no modifiers. Example 2

What resistor should I use in my audio amplifier?

  • Nithish Kanna
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
In my speaker a resistor is burned out. I found out and removed it. But unfortunately I don't know which value should I replace it with. Please help me. I attached the photo of the board.

Audio Amplifier : LTK 5206 The values of normal resistors : 222, 222, 223, 223 Main Board of Speakers

Why does the white space get included while reading a string from a file in VHDL and what's the solution?

  • Sarthak Nandanwar
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
I am trying to read data from a text file in VHDL which includes two vectors and single character. While reading, white spaces are not detected for the numbers but are detected for the character. Why is that?


library IEEE;

library STD;

entity sample_tb is
end sample_tb;

architecture Behavioral of sample_tb is

    stim : process 
        file F_in : TEXT open READ_MODE is "input_sample.txt";
        variable current_read_line : line;
        variable input_number1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        variable input_number2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        variable input_field : string(1 to 1);
        variable current_write_line : line;

        while( not endfile(F_in)) loop
            readline(F_in, current_read_line);
            read(current_read_line, input_number1);
            read(current_read_line, input_number2);
            read(current_read_line, input_field);
            wait for 100 ns;
            write(current_write_line, input_number1);
            write(current_write_line, input_number2);
            write(current_write_line, input_field);
            writeline(OUTPUT, current_write_line);
        end loop;
    end process;
end Behavioral;

input_sample.txt :

00 00 A
00 00 B
00 00 C
00 00 D
00 00 E

Output when I declare variable input_field : string(1 to 1); (keep in mind that there is an extra space after 0000)


Output when I declare variable input_field : string(1 to 2);

0000 A
0000 B
0000 C
0000 D
0000 E

I have understood that the code detects the white space before the letters and considers it to be a string. But why doesn't that happen when reading the two integer vectors? Why is the white space between 00 and 00 ignored?

Also, is the way to ensure that the code disregards the white space before the letters as well?

Advice on making a quad-directional power/data connector

  • somerandomusername
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
I have an interesting problem that I'd like some input on. It's a bit complex, so I'll do my best to explain it clearly.

I have a connector with 4 pins arranged in a square pattern. The pins are designated as +, -, d1, and d2 (where d1 and d2 are some signal sources). The challenge is that the solution must work regardless of the connector's orientation when it is plugged in (i.e., it must be position-agnostic).

Here is a visualisation of the connection: enter image description here

I have to make it so that no matter what way I attach a plug to it it will work. I can use a microcontroller and anything else I wan't. I came up with a solution, but would like to see if I can get some better ideas or improvements.

If I add a bridge in this configuration I will get power no matter what direction the plug has connected: enter image description here

Next I would cut the signal for A or B lines using P-MOSFET and note in my microcontroller memory what line I am cutting:

enter image description here

If my microcontroller is still working after a few milliseconds, it means it has correctly identified the power and data pairs. It then triggers switches to route the data lines appropriately. If it guessed wrong and cuts off the power pair, the system will reset, turning off the microcontroller and MOSFETs. On reset, the microcontroller will try again with the opposite pair, remembering the last state it tried.

Here is a quick sketch of the configuration I imagine:

enter image description here

TRIAC not triggering in 3rd quadrant but works perfectly in 1st

  • No Man
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
Good day. I am designing a power control circuit for dimming a 100W bulb using BTA16. In the circuit shown below, when I apply power to the circuit I only receive the positive pulse at the output (of both MOC3020 and the Triac, triggered perfectly at the desired angle) but it completely blocks the negative cycle. (Circuit and output diagrams are attached below)

I have tried few solutions given below but still I am facing the same issue.

I have tried several resistance values, but no gain. Of course, if I increase the value too much, then the TRIAC doesn't even trigger in the positive half. But for the negative half, even low resistance values don't work.

Can anyone please guide me on what I am doing wrong here? Many thanks. enter image description here

Problema sumando meses a las fechas

Tengo un problema con las fechas.

Si por ejemplo a la fecha 30/03/2022 le sumo 6 meses, se me va a 30/09/2022. Todo correcto.

as.Date("30/03/2022", format = "%d/%m/%Y") + months(6)

Pero si hago lo mismo con la fecha 31/03/2022 me da error pq no existe el 31/09/2022.

    as.Date("31/03/2022", format = "%d/%m/%Y") + months(6)

Lo que quiero es que me diera como fecha el día siguiente. 01/10/2022.

No sé si hay una librería diseñada o alguna forma de sumar meses que tenga en cuenta todos los posibles casos donde esto ocurra, ya sea sumandole 6, 7, 9 o los meses que sean.

Desarrollo de una pizarra táctica [cerrada]

soy nueva en el mundo de React y estoy intentando crear una pizarra táctica como las que usan los entrenadores en la cual aparezca el campo y se puedan arrastrar fichas, balones, conos... Si alguien sabe de alguna librería o proyecto se lo agradecería