Texture animation with math nodes



starting from a texture image (B&W), I'd like to animate the movement of the white line by limiting its movement between the two black lines. Would a math node allow me to do this?

I'm attaching a images to explain what I mean, and a sample image on which I'd like to run this animation.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to look at this post.



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How does the number of PCB layers affect the temperature of the board?

  • KirchoffFanBoy
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
I understand that a PCB with the exact same circuit on a 2-layer board will get hotter than a higher number board: 4-,6-,8-layer boards. But, I have not been able to find the reasoning for this behavior or any studies with numbers comparing the thermal performance of the same design on different layered PCBs. In a generalized question, how dramatically does the number of layers affect the thermal performance of a design?

Assume the only change between the Board A and Board B is the number of layers.

Thanks in advance!

Api google place autocomplete não funcioa em navegadores de ios

  • Thiago Cristoffer
  • Technology
  • Replies: 0
tenho esse código que puxa api do google maps funciona perfeitamente na shopify para notebook, desktop e até android mas para ios ele exibe as sugestões de endereço e quando clico nada acontece. abaixo é o código que estou usando alguem pode me ajudar ?

<!-- Link para carregar a fonte Open Sans do Google Fonts -->
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans:wght@400;800&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Seção para título e subtítulo -->
<div style="padding: 20px;">
    <!-- Título -->
    <h1 style="
        color: #080808;
        font-size: 46px;
        line-height: 66px;
        text-align: center;
        font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
        Get Your Certificate <br>of Title with Our Quick <br>Title Search
    <!-- Subtítulo -->
    <p style="
        color: #4d4d4d;
        font-size: 20px;
        line-height: 28px;
        font-weight: 300;
        text-align: center;
        font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
        Your Official Certificate of <br> Title emailed to you within 2 hours

<!-- Seção para autocompletar endereços -->
<div style="text-align: center; padding: 20px;">
  <!-- Campo de entrada para autocompletar -->
      placeholder="Enter property address"
          padding: 15px 10px;
          width: 80%;
          max-width: 600px;
          border: 1px solid #ccc;
          border-radius: 5px;
          font-size: 18px;
         font-weight: 400;
          text-align: center;
          font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

  <!-- Botão para pesquisa -->
      style="margin-top: 10px; padding: 15px 30px; background: linear-gradient(180deg, #0d7dd9 0%, #0a9cd6 100%);
          color: white; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 0 2px 21px 0 #C8C8C8;"

  <!-- Script para autocompletar usando Google Places API -->
  <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDvZ_NLh-HCumhAd78WxI_8g9U7O9l5fDM&libraries=places"></script> 
  function initializeAutocomplete() {
    var input = document.getElementById("address-input");
    var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, {
      types: ["address"],
      componentRestrictions: { country: ["NZ"] }, // Restrição para a Nova Zelândia

    autocomplete.addListener("place_changed", function () {
      var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
      var formattedAddress = place.formatted_address;

      // Armazena o endereço no Local Storage
      localStorage.setItem("selectedAddress", formattedAddress);
      console.log("Endereço armazenado:", formattedAddress);

  // Função para lidar com o evento de toque no botão
  function handleTouch() {
    var address = document.getElementById("address-input").value;
    if (address) {
      var encodedAddress = encodeURIComponent(address);
      var redirectUrl = "https://25733a-b0.myshopify.com/collections/titles?address=" + encodedAddress;
      window.location.href = redirectUrl;
    } else {
      alert("Por favor, insira um endereço de propriedade válido.");

  // Adicionando o evento de toque ao botão
  document.getElementById("search-button").addEventListener("touchstart", handleTouch);

  // Adicionando o evento de clique para compatibilidade com desktop
  document.getElementById("search-button").addEventListener("click", handleTouch);

  google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initializeAutocomplete);

what is this formula called?

There is a formula for the roots of a quadratic equation $$ax^2+bx+c=0$$ $$x=ve^{arcsinh(-b/2av)}, v=\pm \sqrt[2]{-c/a}$$ Has anyone come across such a formula on the Internet? Somehow I can’t find a detailed description of it.

Deals: Galaxy S24 Ultra gets a free storage upgrade, $120 discount and more

  • GSMArena.com - Latest articles
  • Android
  • Replies: 0

Deals: Galaxy S24 Ultra gets a free storage upgrade, $120 discount and more​

Peter 20 May 2024

Samsung US has a week of interesting daily deals coming up with its Discover Samsung Summer event. Keep in mind that the offers are available only for a day, tomorrow will bring something new.

Today, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is in the spotlight. The deal starts with a free storage upgrade to 512GB and a straight $120 discount. Additionally, you get a free pair of Galaxy Buds2 Pro, which integrate with Galaxy AI features like live translate and interpreter mode.

The price isn’t fixed, though, you can get up to $750 in trade-in credit. A Galaxy S23 Ultra will get you the maximum $750 off, the S22 Ultra fetches $600 and the S21 Ultra (or Galaxy Note20 Ultra, if you have one of those) are worth $550.

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

$120 off + up to $750 trade-in credit free storage upgradefree Galaxy Buds2 Pro
Read our review
from $1,300 at Samsung US
Going back to the Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro for a moment, the buds have an MSRP of $230, but are currently $60 off.

Another interesting deal today is the 32” streaming TV/PC monitor, the Samsung M80C, which is 50% off. This is a 4K monitor with HDR support and is basically a Tizen smart TV with support for all the major streaming services – both movie and game streaming. The latter lets you connect to services like GeForce Now or, if you have one, to your own console. Additionally, the monitor can handle a remote connection to a PC on its own, if you need to log into your work computer for a quick task.

Samsung M80C Smart Monitor 32"

4K UHD, SlimFit Camera, USB-C
$350 off
$350 at Samsung US
We may get a commission from qualifying sales.

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Запуск backend-а

как запустить часть проекта backend?

Скачал вот такой проект.

Там есть клиентская и серверная часть. Клиентскую часть я смог запустить, открыв через vusual code директорию клиента. И через терминал и команду "ng serve" у меня запустился локальный сайт на хосте 4200

Но вот с серверной частью (backend) у меня трудности, я не могу понять, как именно мне его нужно запускать, чтобы он заработал вместе с фронтом.

Keyframing doesn't work in shader editor on a specific object

Basically the title. I have an object that I want to keyframe some of its shader nodes of. If I try keyframing a shader node of any other object, it works as expected. Here is an example of what happens when I try to add keyframes and play it back. example

Here you can see that the f-curve is indeed enabled and there are no modifiers. Example 2

What resistor should I use in my audio amplifier?

  • Nithish Kanna
  • Physics
  • Replies: 0
In my speaker a resistor is burned out. I found out and removed it. But unfortunately I don't know which value should I replace it with. Please help me. I attached the photo of the board.

Audio Amplifier : LTK 5206 The values of normal resistors : 222, 222, 223, 223 Main Board of Speakers